Thursday, December 19, 2013

On my way to IUI#1

Things have been going pretty well so far for my first medicated cycle. I was on 100mg for clomid CD 5 - 9 which finished on Sunday. I had a few side effects but everything was tolerable - at least for me they were. I can't speak for those around me that had to deal with my grumpiness. My first monitoring appointment after that was yesterday morning and I have one 24mm follicle on the left side. When the doc was doing the  ultrasound she looked at me and said "are you sure you only took clomid? You did very well." I was so relieved because I wasn't sure I would respond at all. I read a bunch of things online about women with DOR not responding on clomid. 

(Note to self: Google is the devil.) 

The nurse called me in the afternoon and said I could trigger at 10:30p. DH and I were going to see a play last night (A Christmas Carol - it was awesome!) and I wasn't sure when I would be home, so I ended up bringing the shot with me but in the end I was home in time to do it at the house. I was a little intimidated by the needle at first, but then I remembered that I pierced my own lip with a sewing needle when I was 16 and thought "Pshhht! I got this..." I jabbed it in and it was no big deal. No pain, no blood, and so far no side effects. My IUI is scheduled for 10:30 tomorrow morning and I'm SO excited. I don't know how much I believe it's going to work but I have more hope now knowing that I responded well with the meds. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Monday, December 9, 2013

11 years ago today.....

11 years ago today my Dad passed away at the age of 47 from metastic melanoma. He was diagnosed on Halloween night of 2001 and a year later he was gone. For some reason this anniversary has been very emotional for me. I haven't cried about him being gone in years but tonight I broke down in my car when I got home from class. I think it was the pictures that sparked it. I changed my Facebook profile to a pic of him today, and my niece posted one with a really nice message even though she was too young to remember. I haven't looked at his face in so long. He looks so happy in the one my niece posted and seeing his smile made me miss him so much.

Rest in peace Dad. I love you.