(Note to self: Google is the devil.)
The nurse called me in the afternoon and said I could trigger at 10:30p. DH and I were going to see a play last night (A Christmas Carol - it was awesome!) and I wasn't sure when I would be home, so I ended up bringing the shot with me but in the end I was home in time to do it at the house. I was a little intimidated by the needle at first, but then I remembered that I pierced my own lip with a sewing needle when I was 16 and thought "Pshhht! I got this..." I jabbed it in and it was no big deal. No pain, no blood, and so far no side effects. My IUI is scheduled for 10:30 tomorrow morning and I'm SO excited. I don't know how much I believe it's going to work but I have more hope now knowing that I responded well with the meds. Keeping my fingers crossed!